A structure describing a clear render job.
A typedef representing a command list or command buffer.
A structure describing a compute render job.
A structure containing a constant buffer.
A structure encapsulating the FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 context.
A structure encapsulating the parameters required to initialize FidelityFX
Super Resolution 2 upscaling.
A structure describing a copy render job.
A structure containing the data required to create a resource.
A structure encapasulating a collection of device capabilities.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point, using 32bit unsigned integers.
A structure encapsulating the parameters for dispatching the various passes
of FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional set of floating point coordinates.
A structure encapsulating the parameters for automatic generation of a reactive mask
A structure describing a single render job.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point,
A structure encapsulating the interface between the core implentation of
the FSR2 algorithm and any graphics API that it should ultimately call.
A structure containing the description used to create a
FfxPipeline structure.
A structure encapsulating a single pass of an algorithm.
An outward facing structure containing a resource
A structure defining a resource bind point
A structure describing a resource.
An internal structure containing a handle to a resource and resource views
< The end of the file was encountered.
An epsilon value for floating point numbers.
< The operation failed because the backend API returned an error code.
< The operation failed because end of file was reached.
< The operation failed because the interface was not fully configured.
< The operation failed because there was not enough memory.
< The operation failed due to an invalid alignment.
< The operation failed because an argument was invalid.
< The operation failed because of an invalid enumeration value.
< The operation failed because the specified path was invalid.
< The operation failed due to an invalid pointer.
< The operation failed due to an invalid size.
< The operation failed because of some malformed data.
< The operation failed because a device was null.
< The operation failed because it ran out memory.
< The operation failed because a value was out of range.
< Sampling with interpolation.
< Point sampling.
< A bit indicating if automatic exposure should be applied to input color data.
< A bit indicating that the runtime should check some API values and report issues.
< A bit indicating that the input depth buffer data provided is using an infinite far plane.
< A bit indicating that the input depth buffer data provided is inverted [1..0].
< A bit indicating if the motion vectors are rendered at display resolution.
< A bit indicating that the application uses dynamic resolution scaling.
< A bit indicating if the input color data provided is using a high-dynamic range.
< A bit indicating that the motion vectors have the jittering pattern applied to them.
< A bit indicating that the backend should use 1D textures.
< A pass which performs upscaling.
< A pass which performs upscaling when sharpening is used.
< A pass which generates the luminance mipmap chain for the current frame.
< The number of passes performed by FSR2.
< A pass which performs depth clipping.
< An optional pass to generate a reactive mask
< A pass which calculates pixel locks.
< A pass which performs sharpening.
< A pass which performs reconstruction of previous frame’s depth.
< An optional pass to generate a texture-and-composition and reactive masks
< Perform upscaling with a per-dimension upscaling ratio of 1.7x.
< Perform upscaling with a per-dimension upscaling ratio of 2.0x.
< Perform upscaling with a per-dimension upscaling ratio of 1.5x.
< Perform upscaling with a per-dimension upscaling ratio of 3.0x.
< The GPU job is performing a floating-point clear.
< The GPU job is performing a compute dispatch.
< The GPU job is performing a copy.
< Local memory.
< Heap used for uploading resources.
< The operation completed successfully.
The value of Pi.
< A resource with a single dimension.
< A resource with two dimensions.
< A bit indicating a resource does not need to persist across frames.
< No flags.
< The resource is a buffer.
< The resource is a 1-dimensional texture.
< The resource is a 2-dimensional texture.
< The resource is a 3-dimensional texture.
< No usage flags indicate a resource is read only.
< Indicates a resource will be used as render target.
< Indicates a resource will be used as UAV.
< The resource view is a shader resource view (SRV).
< The resource view is an unordered access view (UAV).
< Shader model 5.1.
< Shader model 6.0.
< Shader model 6.1.
< Shader model 6.2.
< Shader model 6.3.
< Shader model 6.4.
< Shader model 6.5.
< Shader model 6.6.
< Shader model 6.7.
< 8 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
< 8 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
< 8 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned normalized format
< 8 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned int format
< 8 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
< 32 bit 3 channel float format
< 16 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
< 16 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
< 16 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
< 16 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned int format
< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel signed normalized format
< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned int format
< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
< 32 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
< 32 bit per channel, 4 channel typeless format
< 32 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
< 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
< 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
< Unknown format
A typedef for the callback function for assert printing.
Create and initialize the backend context.
Create a render pipeline.
Create a resource.
Destroy the backend context and dereference the device.
Destroy a render pipeline.
Destroy a resource
A typedef representing the graphics device.
Typedef for error codes returned from functions in the FidelityFX SDK.
Execute scheduled render jobs on the comandList provided.
The type of filtering to perform when reading a texture.
Get a list of capabilities of the device.
Retrieve a FfxResourceDescription matching a
FfxResource structure.
An enumberation for different render job types
An enumeration for different heap types
An enumeration of bit flags used when creating a
FfxFsr2Context. See FfxFsr2ContextDescription.
Pass a string message
An enumeration of all the passes which constitute the FSR2 algorithm.
A typedef for a pipeline state object.
An enumeration of all the quality modes supported by FidelityFX Super
Resolution 2 upscaling.
Register a resource in the backend for the current frame.
An enumeration of surface dimensions.
An enumeration of surface dimensions.
An enumeration of resource usage.
An enumeration of all resource view types.
A typedef for a root signature.
Schedule a render job to be executed on the next call of
An enumeration of all supported shader models.
An enumeration of surface formats.
Unregister all temporary FfxResourceInternal from the backend.